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prefers to

Clarifiers do their homework.

Clarifiers have a desire to know the facts, figures and history of a situation. Their firm grasp of reality ensures that progress occurs on solid ground. Clarifiers want to pinpoint the right problem to solve in order to avoid wasting time on off-target ideas and irrelevant solutions. Clarifiers are precise when it comes to research and information. They pay remarkable attention to detail and often have excellent recall. They are conscientious, dutiful and diligent, showing a high degree of patience for work that requires close scrutiny of information. Before leaping into action, Clarifiers want to understand the nature of the challenge and will ask questions (and more questions) to gain clarity. This need for information can lead to analysis paralysis. Clarifiers can be overly cautious and slow to embrace change. Their effort to secure all of the facts might not always be worth the investment of time. Clarifiers may need to build their tolerance for ambiguity and risk and recognize that sometimes any action is better than no action. When others get enthusiastic about a new idea, a Clarifier’s questions might come across as negative or skeptical. Clarifiers should assure others that their intent is not to criticize, but to use their clarifying powers to launch others forward on the right footing.


The FourSight Thinking Profile is a scientific measure of thinking preference. FourSight has 15 possible thinking profiles. Each one contributes something vital to the problem Solving process.

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