
Lead them to innovative solutions

Learn to use the FourSight Thinking Profile assessment with individuals and groups. Help people understand cognitive diversity and learn a common language to solve challenges.

Use FourSight to enhance...

  • Collaboration
  • Leadership Development
  • Team effectiveness
  • Creative problem solving
  • Innovation
Get Certified Now
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Who should get certified?

FourSight Mindset Certification is for trainers, facilitators, consultants, coaches, innovators, educators, HR, OD, L&D, and Leadership Development specialists.


Build a bench of in-house trainers who can deliver FourSight to groups and debrief individuals on their FourSight Thinking Profile.


Use FourSight certification to bolster your credentials and add a world-class, research-based offering that opens doors to new client relationships.


Get a deep understanding of the FourSight theory and research so you can support student collaboration. Plus get student rates.

Download Certification Guide

A glimpse at how it works

Hear what FourSight Certified consultants have to say about the certification course.

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What’s Included?

  • FourSight Presenter’s Guide
  • Scripted Powerpoint slides
  • Agendas and activities for in-person and virtual sessions
  • 10 practice assessments + printed guides (valued at $700)
  • Your own FourSight Thinking Profile (valued at $70)
  • Online "learner maps" with course content
  • Access to bimonthly FourSight U webinars with the certified community
  • Discounts on profiles
Get Certified Now

3 Steps to Certification Success


1. Register for the course

1. Register for the course

Click "Get Certified Now." Pick the course format that fits your needs. Pay your tuition.


2. Learn to deliver a FourSight workshop

2. Learn to deliver a FourSight workshop

Complete the course and/or "Certification Learner Map." Finish your exam and your practice sessions, and get certified.


3. Deliver collaboration insights

3. Deliver collaboration insights

Wow your clients with a dynamic "FourSight Mindset Reveal" workshop.

Getting certified in FourSight Mindset and Toolset has transformed my innovation practice.”

—Steven W, Innovation Consultant

In my practice, FourSight is my 'go-to' lens for any work relating to teams and collaboration. It is the most accessible and immediately useful of any instrument I have used.”

—Lesley D, OD Consultant

You have an amazing team at FourSight. I had the opportunity to learn and grow personally beyond getting certified. I definitely want to take more FourSight courses and make it part of my regular practice.”

—Heidi M, Consultant

1500 Satisfied Users Over The Globe

Teams trained in FourSight are more effective at innovation.

“Creating & Sustaining Innovation Teams” IBM study conducted by Dr. Casimer DeCusatis, IBM Master Inventor

FourSight is deceptively effective, because it's so easy to use and seems so straightforward. Yet it works."

—Nick M, Facilitator

My first FourSight session went super well. Looking forward to facilitating a FourSight session again!”

—Lucie L, Teacher and Facilitator

Ways to Get Certified in FourSight

Live Virtual

Learn alongside others in a live-virtual course led by a FourSight expert on Zoom. Early bird discounts available.

Check Dates


Take the course on your own timeline with a totally online curriculum. Free one-hour coaching call included.

Available any time

In Person

Enjoy the dynamism of a classroom environment led by a FourSight expert. Early bird discounts available.

Check Dates

You need an approach that’s practical, popular and proven.

FourSight has you covered. Based on more than 65 years of research, FourSight® certifies you in programs that are easy to teach, learn and apply, and get top ratings from participants.

Don’t pass this opportunity to grow your practice. Register for FourSight Mindset Certification and lead your clients to breakthroughs.

Get Certified Now

Not quite ready to sign up?

No worries. Get the facts about certification at your fingertips when you download this FourSight® Mindset Certification free PDF guide. Share it with someone who may need to approve your registration.

Get more details about:

  • Benefits
  • Course options
  • Pricing
  • Schedules and timing
Download Certification Guide (PDF)