Sarah is Managing Partner at FourSight. A speaker, author and thought leader in the field of creativity, she works in partnership with academic researchers, creativity trainers and designers to spearhead the development of online and print-based tools that support cognitive diversity and creative thinking. Sarah is coauthor of “Creativity Unbound: An Introduction to Creative Process” (5th ed.) and “Facilitation: A Door to Creative Leadership” (4th ed.). She wrote her latest book “The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker” with her Danish colleague, Dorte Nielsen with whom she also developed the visual FourSight model for the universal creative process. The FourSight model has been adapted by the International Center for Studies in Creativity, the Creative Education Foundation and the Center for Creative Leadership. Sarah has a master of science in creativity from SUNY Buffalo and lives in Evanston with her husband and three children.

Sarah Thurber
Managing Partner / Marketing Lead

Sarah Thurber
Managing Partner / Marketing Lead

Gerard Puccio, PhD
Partner / Research Lead

Gerard Puccio, PhD
Partner / Research Lead

Founding partner, author and originator of the FourSight theory, Gerard has dedicated his career to bringing the best of creativity theory to the rest of us. Gerard J. Puccio is the department chair and professor at the International Center for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo State, a unique academic department that offers the world’s only MS degree in creativity. In addition to creating the FourSight measure, Gerard has written more than fifty articles, chapters, and books. Along with his colleagues Marie Mance and Mary Murdock, he recently completed the second edition of a book titled Creative Leadership: Skills That Drive Change (2011). In recognition of his outstanding work as a scholar, Gerard received the State University of New York Chancellor’s Recognition Award for Research Excellence and the President’s Medal for Scholarship and Creativity. Gerard is an accomplished speaker, trainer, and consultant; he has worked with major corporations, universities, and numerous school districts in the United States and around the world. Some of the organizations Gerard has worked with recently include the British Broadcast Company (BBC), Paribas, Fisher-Price Brands, Rich Products, and Siemens. Gerard holds a PhD in organizational psychology from the University of Manchester, England.

Blair Miller, PhD
Partner / Research Coodinator

Blair Miller, PhD
Partner / Research Coodinator

Blair Miller, founding partner and Research Coordinator at FourSight, travels the globe helping organizations build problem-solving capability, enrich creative climate, foster ideas and collaborate on innovative solutions. As a FourSight consultant, trainer and facilitator, he has developed a unique method of helping Fortune 500 companies deliver on their innovation goals. In the last ten years, he pioneered the fusion of creative problem solving techniques with traditional cost optimization methods, helping his clients deliver in excess of $1.3 billion in savings. Blair has co-authored numerous books and publications, including Creativity Unbound, which has been used by graduate programs in creativity and translated into 3 languages. Blair also serves as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Creative Studies. The Creative Education Foundation (CEF) recently honored him with the Distinguished Leadership Award.

Russ Schoen
Partner / Facilitation Lead

Russ Schoen
Partner / Facilitation Lead

Russ Schoen, Facilitation Lead at FourSight, certifies and mentors FourSight facilitators to help them build creativity, collaboration and innovation into their practices. Russ has worked as a facilitator and trainer in the areas of deliberate creativity, innovation and change leadership for more than 17 years and has delivered training programs worldwide including programs in Singapore, Italy, Australia, England, India, New Zealand, South Africa and the US. A sampling of clients include T. Rowe Price, International Flavor & Fragrances, Kraft, Coca-Cola, TAP Pharmaceuticals, SC Johnson, Philips Electronics, Praxair, Discover, Kimberly-Clark, Zimmer and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Russ’s practical field experience is backed up by his academic credentials. He holds a MS. in Creativity from SUNY college at Buffalo and is an adjunct faculty at the Center for Studies in Creativity where he has taught graduate courses in facilitating creative process since 2007. When not working, Russ spends his free time studying improv with his two toddlers.

Greg Sonbuchner
Partner / Technology Lead

Greg Sonbuchner
Partner / Technology Lead

As Technology Lead at FourSight, Greg creates web-based products to enhance individual and organizational problem-solving capability. He is also pursuing a Master of Science in Creativity from the International Center for Studies in Creativity, part of the State University of New York.
Prior to working in the creativity space, Greg worked in New York, founding a global business continuity practice. He spent the four preceding years running an international advertising awards show. The decade before that, he worked with ad agencies in Chicago and Minneapolis, serving as both CFO and CIO. He started his career at Arthur Andersen & Co., narrowly avoiding the requirement that he wear a fedora to work.
Greg practices taichi, yoga and beach volleyball. While traveling, his preferred luggage is a backpack.

Kelly Roberts
Customer Service Lead

Kelly Roberts
Customer Service Lead

As Customer Service Lead, Kelly strives to make sure you get the most out of your FourSight experience. When she helps you sort out your customer concerns, you’ll be glad she’s a Clarifier. Her degree in psychology was an excellent basis for starting her own accounting and business services company. That experience, along with her primary role as food purchaser and chauffeur to two teenagers, have given her excellent skills in multi-tasking, problem solving and patience. Kelly loves working at FourSight, where she is just as likely to be speaking to a high level facilitator in Korea, a graduate student in Georgia or a business executive from the UK. Along with the teens, Kelly and her husband live in Evanston.

Christine Long
Training Coordinator / Production Lead

Christine Long
Training Coordinator / Production Lead

As Training Coordinator and Production Lead at FourSight, Christine Long supports FourSight training, certification and customer success. The FourSight team relies on her to keep office logistics running, FourSight U calendars clicking, and our inventory stocked. Her job is a nice fit with her “Analyst” profile, which lends itself to organizing and systematizing tasks in order to make things run more smoothly. Christine’s natural preferences to clarify and develop have been enhanced by formal degrees in mathematics and education. Raising two children has given her a high tolerance for ideating and lots of practice implementing.