

May 5, 2023

Understanding the ROI of FourSight Training on Innovation and Leadership

Two years after training, the organization could still measure the positive impact. In 2013, Brett Richards, PhD wanted to test his new culture survey, which measured an organization’s growth potential. He found willing participants at Sheridan College, one of Canada's largest colleges. Nearly a hundred administrators
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March 7, 2023

Choosing the Right Team Building Activity for Optimal Team Performance

Building a good team is harder than it looks. People’s personalities, approaches, backgrounds, and styles don’t always line up. In fact, they don’t usually line up. If your team struggles to collaborate (and most teams do), team-building activities can help. But what’s the best team-building approach for your team?
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February 13, 2023

Understanding the Significance of FourSight Colors in Creative Thinking

The FourSight colors were chosen deliberately, if not exactly scientifically. Here’s why we chose blue for clarify, orange for ideate, green for develop and red for implement.
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January 31, 2023

Navigating Team Dynamics: What to Do When You Have No Clarifiers

What happens when your team's thinking preferences are really lopsided? When I was in grad school, everyone in my class took the FourSight Thinking Profile.
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December 22, 2022

Understanding Burnout in ER Doctors: The Role of Thinking Preferences

Burnout rates among physicians almost doubled. Is it the hours? The stress? Or something else entirely?
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December 8, 2022

Identifying and Addressing Four Symptoms of Poor Team Collaboration

While teams can lead to great accomplishments in the workplace, they can also be unproductive. More often than not, the difference is dictated by how team members relate to one another. Teams that collaborate well and take advantage of each other’s strengths perform well, while teams afflicted by interpersonal
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November 24, 2022

Seven Team Building Strategies You Can Try Today

Do you know what Lego, Google, and Tesla have in common? Aside from being wildly successful, these businesses place a strong emphasis on teamwork and innovation. When teams are able to communicate and work together effectively and bring their unique knowledge and skills together in pursuit of the same goal, that’s
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November 10, 2022

Five Strategies to Boost Team Productivity and Collaboration

We’ve all experienced it: group meetings where you sincerely felt like you just wasted an hour of your life. Group projects that went nowhere fast. The final results weren’t that great because interpersonal conflicts took over. These occurrences are not uncommon, but they’re definitely unfortunate—especially when
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September 28, 2022

The Untold Insights of Integrators in Team Dynamics

The thinking profile that risks “losing their own voice,” has plenty to say. They may just have a hard time saying it to you.
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