

May 30, 2024

Good is the Goal

At FourSight, we believe the fastest way to high performance is to give diverse thinkers a common language to solve problems together. Drawing on twenty years of data from our FourSight Thinking Profile assessment—we reveal our unconscious problem-solving patterns that cause conflict and stall progress.
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March 5, 2024

Avoiding the "Blind Spot" Phenomenon

A fast-growing HR firm based in Sydney was stunned when revenues suddenly plummeted. LinkedIn had just entered the Australian market. The HR firm had heard of LinkedIn; the tech start-up had launched in the United States seven years earlier, but the firm’s management team had been so focused on growing revenues, they
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November 16, 2023

FourSight comes to Thanksgiving

For me, Thanksgiving used to feel like a command performance. As a mom who prefers to implement, I considered it my job to land the turkey, potatoes, yams, hams, beans, rolls, cranberry sauce, and gravy on the table, hot and delicious, in front of a dozen expectant family members, in record time.
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October 10, 2023

Do You Play Favorites?

Dorte Nielsen, founder of the Center for Creative Thinking in Copenhagen, gave the FourSight assessment to the faculty of a Danish high school. She gathered all the teachers in the cafeteria, handed out their results, and asked them what they had learned from their thinking preferences. One teacher stood up and said,
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December 8, 2022

Identifying and Addressing Four Symptoms of Poor Team Collaboration

While teams can lead to great accomplishments in the workplace, they can also be unproductive. More often than not, the difference is dictated by how team members relate to one another. Teams that collaborate well and take advantage of each other’s strengths perform well, while teams afflicted by interpersonal
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August 10, 2022

Enhancing Design Thinking and Agile with FourSight

Hear how one team expert enhances two of business's most popular process models by using FourSight to understand the people side.
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October 27, 2021

Effective Strategies for Enhancing Collaboration in Remote Teams

Learn how your team can collaborate better together, apart. In this guide, we’ll look at the upsides and downsides of remote work, and explore how a team assessment tool like FourSight can transform collaboration.
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October 5, 2021

Understanding Implementers: A FourSight Workshop Insight

It was six hours before the big workshop in Las Vegas. 88 people were signed up, and less than half had done their FourSight assessment. The group activity I planned to facilitate hinged on knowing people’s profiles. It wasn’t going to work with half the results.
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July 30, 2021

Enhancing Team Performance: 12 Ways FourSight Accelerates Team Development

In a team building session with 25 members of a leading French luxury brand, Paris-based facilitator Patrick Duhoux found a simple way to help team members understand their differences so they could work together better and speed their path to high performance.
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