

March 17, 2019

How FourSight Thinking Preferences Influence Career Choice

In this brief yet insightful video, the FourSight team presents intriguing research findings on how thinking preferences can influence career choices. The video explores the connection between how we think and the vocations we are drawn to, providing valuable insights for individuals and organizations.
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December 13, 2018

How FourSight Transformed Team Collaboration at Estée Lauder

Global prestige beauty leaders The Estée Lauder Companies prides itself on having a worldwide reputation for quality and excellence, and has always been held up as a leader for best practice in collaboration.
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November 22, 2018

Navigating Thanksgiving Conversations: A FourSight Guide to Understanding Preferences

This Thursday, it’s Thanksgiving in the USA. People come together for a feast of community and gratitude. Now that you understand FourSight preferences learn to bring everyone’s best thinking. Follow the recipe below for a collaborative holiday. Happy Thanksgiving from FourSight!
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August 27, 2018

Unconscious Influences: What Truly Defines an 'Ideal Student'?

In this enlightening video, researcher Serap Ozdemir delves deep into teachers' perceptions of the "ideal" student. Through a comprehensive study involving 275 teachers, Ozdemir uncovers the surprising and often unconscious influences that shape these perceptions. By using the "FourSight Thinking Profile" and
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July 8, 2018

Understanding the Power and Origin of Ideas in Innovation

Ideas fuel innovation. No ideas? No innovation! But what are ideas exactly? In this interview we ask Gerard Puccio PhD, author of “Creative Leadership” and the “FourSight® Thinking Profile” and chair of the oldest Master of Science program in Creative Studies, to illuminate what ideas are and where they come from.
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June 13, 2018

Debunking Myths: Five Misconceptions about Creativity to Unlearn

In this insightful video, Sarah Thurber, the Managing Partner at FourSight, debunks five common myths and misconceptions about creativity that might be hindering your potential. She emphasizes that creativity is not a magical or spontaneous phenomenon, but a transformational process that involves connecting things in
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April 12, 2018

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs: FourSight's Role in Innovation at Oberlin College

I’ve worked as a productive thinking facilitator for most of my professional life—strategy sessions, creative problem-solving workshops, innovation initiatives, conflict resolution, mediation, community engagement, organizational restructuring, and negotiations, from mergers to breakups.
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March 18, 2018

Wandering Wisely | FourSight

A few years ago, I backpacked through Southeast Asia with my best friend, Lauren. We started in Kuala Lumpur, and by time we parted ways in Ho Chi Minh City, we were in the throws of violent food poisoning and barely on speaking terms. I was exasperated that Lauren had no interest in decision making, and Lauren was
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January 15, 2018

Boosting Innovation: Five Reasons to Flex Your Creative Muscle

#1. Creativity fuels innovation. Today, it’s hard to find an organization that doesn’t have “innovation” in its mission statement. Professor Felix Janszen stated, “After the age of efficiency in the 1950s and 1960s, quality in the 1970s and 1980s, and flexibility in the 1980s and 1990s, we now live in the age of
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